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Form Affidavit of Property Value
In nearly all Arizona purchase of real property, the buyer and seller or their agents must jointly submit an affidavit concerning the value of the transaction. Exempt transactions are listed in the instructions for form 82162, which is found on the website of the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Arizona Affidavit Of Property Value 82162 Step 1: Section one asks for the parcel identification number. Note if any parcels being sold are being split or divided. Note how many parcels other than the primary parcel are involved in this transaction and list them. In section two, give the buyer's name and address. In section three, give the seller's name and address. Indicate with a check mark if the two are related. If they are, write their relationship.
Arizona Affidavit Of Property Value 82162 Step 2: In section four, give the address of the property. In section five, give the address to which the tax bill should be mailed. In section six, indicate with a check mark the type of property. If not listed, write what type of property it is. If you are a residential buyer who checked off items b, c, d or h above, indicate in section seven if you intend to use the property as a primary or secondary residence, or to rent to someone other than a family member. If you checked items e or f, indicate how many units of the property you intend to make available for lease, hotel stays, or similar purposes.
Arizona Affidavit Of Property Value 82162 Step 3: In section nine, indicate with a check mark the type of deed or instrument used.
Arizona Affidavit Of Property Value 82162 Step 4: Give the sale price in section 10, the date of the sale in section 11, the amount of the down payment in section 12 and the financing method in section 13. Detail any personal property involved in section 14. If this is a sale of partial interest, describe it in section 15. Note any solar or energy efficient components involved in section 16.
Arizona Affidavit Of Property Value 82162 Step 5: Give the name, address and phone number of the party completing the form in section 17. Give a legal description of the property in section 18. Both parties and their agents must sign the form before a notary public.