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Legal Forms » Wisconsin Forms » Form GN-3290 Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor
Form GN-3290 Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor

GN-3290 Petition for Temp-Perm Guardianship of Minor.pdf

Form Instructions


This form must be filed in the Circuit Court of the county the minor has residence, currently resides, or another county if approved by the court.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 1”

Parts 1 through 5 are self-explanatory and easy to fill out. In part 6, provide the name, relationship to the minor, and the post-office address of all other interested parties that need notice.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 2”

Check the appropriate box in part 7. State a reason why the guardianship meets the best interests of the child in part 8. In part 9, state if there are any other proceedings for guardianship or a related case involving the minor and provide any necessary information.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 3”

In part 10, only provide the name, address, and phone number for the guardian set forth by the petition. Check the box and explain why below if one or both parents have not been chosen as guardian. In part 11, check at least the first two boxes.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 4”

In part 12, provide the estimated values of the minor’s real property, personal property, and other benefits. Check the appropriate boxes.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 5”

If petitioning for permanent guardianship, parts 14 through 16 need checked and filled in appropriately. If the guardian is asking for a specific power, the box on the far left MUST be checked. Choosing only the first or second box will have no effect if the box on the left is not checked.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 6”

In part 15, the first box needs checked if petitioning for guardian of the estate. Check the additional boxes if necessary.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 7”

Parts 17 through 22 are for temporary guardianship. Check all boxes that apply.

“Petition for Temporary or Permanent Guardianship of Minor GN-3290 Step 8”

If there is a box that says “see attached” on the right-hand side of a section, an additional form is required along with the petition if the section was completed. After completing this form and any other necessary forms, the petitioner needs sign and notarize the form.

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