Form 20C-C Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return
12f20cc.pdf |
Corporations operating in Alabama may elect to file a consolidated income tax return. This is done by filing a form 20C-C, which is found on the website of the Alabama Department of Revenue.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 1: Enter the beginning and ending dates of your fiscal year if not filing on a calendar year basis.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 2: Enter your federal business code number and federal employer identification number.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 3: Enter your business name, address, the date and state of incorporation, the date on which you were qualified to do business in Alabama and the nature of your business in the state.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 4: Check the box next to the type of return being filed, and the box next to your filing status.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 5: Enter your Alabama taxable income on line 1.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 6: To complete line 1a, you must first complete Schedule B on the second page, which documents your net losses at the year's end. Give the end date of the year in the first column, the amount of the net operating loss in Alabama in the second column, the amount used in years prior to this year in the third column, the amount used this year in the fourth column, and the remaining unused net operating loss in the fifth column. The total of the fourth column is entered on line 1a on the first page.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 6: Subtract line 1a from line 1. Enter the result on line 1b.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 7: Calculate your taxes as instructed on lines 2a through 2c.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 8: Document payments already made, credits and deferrals on lines 3a through 3h.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 9: Document reductions or applications of overpayments on lines 4a through 4e.
Alabama Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Return 20C-C Step 10: Follow the instructions to calculate your total owed or refund due on line 5. An officer should sign and date the form, and provide their title and daytime telephone number.