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Form Confidential Personal Property Return

Form Confidential Personal Property Retunr.pdf

Form Instructions


Oregon business owners are required to file a personal property return on an annual basis. This form 150-553-004 can be obtained from the website of the state of Oregon.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 1: On the first page, enter your account number, code area, and enter any name or mailing address changes since your previous return in the space provided. Give the date on which these changes occurred. If you have multiple locations, more space is provided to list them further down on the page.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 2: Under "Location of Personal Property," give the location of your business, the date you began operating in your current county, and a brief explanation of your type of business. Indicate with a check mark whether you filed a personal property return last year. If so, enter the county.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 3: The section headed "No Personal Property To Report" should be completed if you closed or sold your business or moved to another county. Indicate whether the current property list can be forwarded to the new owner.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 4: Under "Taxpayer's Declaration," give your name, address, contact information and signature. If someone other than you is completing this form, they should print and sign their name, give their title and provide a phone number. Indicate with a check mark what type of business you operate.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 5: Schedule 1 requires you to detail all leased or rented property.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 6: Schedule 2 requires you to detail noninventory supplies necessary for the business, such as office supplies.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 7: Schedule 3 requires you to detail all floating property, such as boats, docks and pilings.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 8: Schedule 4 concerns professional libraries, such as those maintained by an accountant.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 9: Schedule 5a concerns all other personal property associated with your business not detailed above.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 10: Schedule 5b concerns all small hand tools.

Oregon Confidential Personal Property Return 150-553-004 Step 11: File the original of this form and a copy with your county assessor.

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Oregon Law

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