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Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims


Form Instructions

Introduction to the Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims
Form B-6D aims to acquire all information concerning your secured claims, which exist in conjunction with your bankruptcy filing.

The first portion of the form requires you to state the name, mailing address and last four digits of any account number of all entity holdings claims secured by property of the debtor as of the date of filing the petition. The complete account number of any account you possess with the creditor is useful to the trustee and the creditor and may be provided if you choose to do so. When filing the form, you must list your creditors holding all types of secured interests such as judgment liens, statutory liens, mortgages, deeds of trusts, and other security interests.

You must list creditors in alphabetical order to the extent practicable. If any entity other a spouse in a joint case may be jointly liable on your claim, place an “X” in the column labeled “codebtor” and include the entity on the appropriate schedule of creditors. If a joint petition is filed, state whether the husband, wife, both of the individuals, or the marital community is liable on each claim by placing an “H”, “W”, “J” or “C” in the column labeled “Husband, Wife, Joint or Community.”

The Form B-6D Schedule D contains two pages; each page contains a number of columns asking questions pertaining to your secured holdings. The first column will ask for your creditor’s basic information, the next column will ask how the debt is filed and the 3rd column will ask the date of the claim was incurred, the nature of the lien and a brief description regarding the value of the property. The next columns will ask for a description of your claim, meaning if it is contingent, unliquidated or disputed. Following this information, you are required to detail the amount of the claim without deducting the value of collateral and list any unsecured portion.

Accessing the Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims
Typically, you will be required to furnish your Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims - in addition to any or all supplemental forms – to the bankruptcy court applicable to the jurisdiction within which you reside; upon contacting your jurisdictional bankruptcy court, you can access a Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims, as well as supplemental bankruptcy forms required with regard to your specific circumstance. However, please make certain you have accessed the individual Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims applicable to your bankruptcy filing; there exist a variety of bankruptcy claims – results of incomplete or improper filing may range from criminal charges or delayed administrative processing:

Further Assistance with the Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims
Bankruptcy Fraud is an extremely serious criminal offense that can result from even the most simple over oversights upon the submission of your Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims; if you need further assistance with the filing of a Form B- 6D Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims Form – as well as any or all additional documents and forms required by the State or Federal government responsible for the oversight and administrative regulation of Bankruptcy filings, please contact the applicable legal venue or financial office. In addition, hiring a bankruptcy attorney may be of value to you with regard to your current situation, which allows for supplemental legal counsel and advice.

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