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Form KY AOC-295 Petition for Name Change
AOC-295.pdf |
This form is used for adults and minors. The form is filed with the Circuit Clerk’s Office in the county you reside and have residency.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 1”
In the heading of the form, provide the County where you’re filing. The Clerk will provide the case number and court information.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 2”
On the first line, provide the current legal name of the person wishing to change their name. Then, check the appropriate box. You can only check one box. If a parent wants to change their name and the name of a minor child, two separate forms are required.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 3”
In part 1, provide the original name of the party. Provide the desired name on the second line. Provide the full date of birth for the minor or adult in part 3 include month, date, and year.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 4”
In part 4, provide the birth location for the minor or adult including the city, county, and state. In the next part, state where the current address of the minor or adult.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 5”
In part 6, provide the reason why the petitioner wishes to change their name or a minor’s name. Read the warning statement closely.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 6”
If the petitioner is requesting a name change for a minor, part 7 is required. Provide the full legal names of the mother and father along with their current address. If a non-petitioning parent refuses to sign the petition or is unavailable, Notice is required.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 7”
Date and sign the bottom of the form in front of the Clerk. If there are two petitioners for the change of name for a minor, each petitioner must provide a signature. If there is an attorney helping the petitioners, list the attorney’s name.
“Petition for Name Change AOC-295 Step 8”
The petitioner must be a resident of the state at least 6 months before filing. Filing fees will range from county to county. After filing the petition, the Clerk will assign a date, time, and location for the hearing. Arrive to the court 30 minutes before the hearing and be prepared to answer specific questions from the judge.