Form 1F-P-063 Asset and Debt Statement
Form 1F-P-063 Asset and Debt Statement.pdf |
After filing a complaint for divorce in Hawaii, one of the documents a plaintiff must submit is an Asset and Debt Statement. This document can be submitted jointly in an uncontested divorce or may be filed separately by both parties.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 1: At the top of the page, indicate whether the plaintiff, defendant or both spouses are completing the form. Write in the case number.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 2: Enter the full name of the plaintiff and defendant.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 3: Indicate which party or whose attorney is completing this document, along with their name, address and phone number.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 4: In section one, write how much cash you currently have on hand.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 5: In section two, list all credit union accounts, along with their title, and credit and debt balances.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 6: In section three, list all bank and savings accounts. Name the company and branch for each one and list the type of account as well as the current balance.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 7: In section four, list all securities you have, such as stocks and bonds. List their names, date of purchase, the purchase price, current market value and debt you owe against them.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 8: In section five, list all motor vehicles you possess by their year and make, and enter their current market value and any debts you still must pay on them.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 9: In section six, list all property.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 10: In section seven, list all life insurance you have, including the beneficiary and current cash value.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 11: In section eight, detail all pension and retirement funds.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 12: In section nine, detail miscellaneous assets.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 13: List all debts in section eleven, and indicate which spouse is associated with each.
Hawaii Asset And Debt Statement 1F-P-063 Step 14: Sign and date the form. Indicate if you are the plaintiff or defendant.