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Form CIN-1-1.0 Certificate of Incorporation
Form CIN-1-1.0 Certificate of Incorporation.pdf |
This form allows you to create a nonstock corporation in the state of Connecticut. You’re encouraged to hire an attorney while completing this form and other similar forms.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 1”
Provide the name and address of the filing party in the heading of the form. Confirmation is sent to this address.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 2”
Provide the name of the corporation in part 1. The corporation’s name must contain one of the following designations: corporation, incorporated, company, corp., inc., or co. The name cannot imply the corporation engages in business unrelated to its actual line of business.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 3”
Check the appropriate box in part 2. If section D applies to the corporation, an attachment is required that designates each class of members.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 4”
Select only option A or B in part 3. If the corporation choose an individual for the registered agent, their business address and residential address must go under section A. The corporation can elect another corporation, LLC, LLP, or statutory trust as a registered agent as well. If the registered agent is an entity, provide their business address only in section B.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 5”
Have the registered agent sign the line at the top of the second page. They need to print their name below the signature line as well.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 6”
Provide the nature of the corporation’s activities in part 4. The business must be a lawful activity under the Connecticut Revised Nonstock Corporation Act.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 7”
If any additional information is required by the nonstock corporation, provide an attachment or use the space in part 5.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 8”
In part 6, provide the date when the incorporators provided their signatures. Use the boxes on the second page to provide each incorporator’s signature. Provide their address in the appropriate boxes as well.
“Certificate of Incorporation CIN-1-1.0 Step 9”
Provide a filing fee of $50 within this form and make the check payable to the Secretary of the State. You can find the mailing and delivery addresses at the top of this form.