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Form JDF 421 Petition for Change of Name of Minor Child
Name Change
JDF 421 Petition for Name Change - Minor R7-11.pdf |
The minor child needs to be a resident of the county listed within the Petition. The petitioner must be at least 18 years old, and a minor 14 years or older must be adjudicated as a juvenile delinquent for an offense that would qualify as a felony for an adult.
“Petition for Change of Name (Minor Child) JDF 421 Step 1”
The following forms are required along with the Petition:
· Notice to Non-Custodial Parent JDF 422
· Consent of Non-Custodial Parent JDF 423
· Request to Publish Notice and Order JDF 424
· Notice of Non-Custodial Parent by Publication JDF 425
· Order for Publication for Change of Name JDF 426
· Public Notice JDF 427
· Final Decree for Change of Name JDF 448
“Petition for Change of Name (Minor Child) JDF 421 Step 2”
If the minor child is 14 years or older, they must undergo a criminal history check by the CBI and FBI. It is best to mail the fingerprint cards to the FBI and then wait 7 to 9 weeks before submitting the fingerprint card to the CBI.
“Petition for Change of Name (Minor Child) JDF 421 Step 3”
The petitioner and non-custodial parent need to complete all of the necessary forms. If the location of the non-custodial parent is unknown, the petitioning parent can ask the Court to publish the notice within the newspaper.
“Petition for Change of Name (Minor Child) JDF 421 Step 4”
After all of the forms are completed, file the petition and other forms with the County Court or District/Denver Juvenile Court. Filing fees will range between the two courts from $83.00 to $185.00. Keep a copy of each form for your records.
“Petition for Change of Name (Minor Child) JDF 421 Step 5”
Once the Order of Publication is filed, the notice needs published at least three times within 21 days of the date listed on the Order. If you are the victim of a crime, child abuse, or domestic abuse, you do not have to publish notice.
“Petition for Change of Name (Minor Child) JDF 421 Step 6”
If the court approves the name change, you’ll receive a Decree. If you need to provide proof of the published notice, copies of the newspaper notice will suffice.