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Legal Forms » South Carolina Forms » Form SCCA458A Application and Affidavit Registration of Out of State Child Custody Order
Form SCCA458A Application and Affidavit Registration of Out of State Child Custody Order


Form Instructions

INSTRUCTIONS : SOUTH CAROLINA CHILD CUSTODY APPLICATION & AFFIDAVIT (Form SCCA458A) The South Carolina Application & Affidavit for Child Custody is the form required for South Carolina residents seeking custody of their children through the court. This Application and Affidavit must be filed in order to obtain a court order for child custody in the state of South Carolina. The South Carolina Application & Petition for Child Custody can be obtained by searching online or through the state court. This form is to be used for certifying an out of state custody order within the state of South Carolina. If you are applying for an initial child custody order, you will need to use a different form. 1. First you must fill out the case caption information at the top of the form. Include the county, docket number, and the names of the parties involved. The filer of the petition is the petitioner while the opposing side is the respondent. 2. You must attach a child custody order from another state with this petition. 3. State your name and the state in which your child custody order was granted. 4. Provide your address so that the court may contact you. You must keep the court updated as to your current address at all times. 5. List the names of all parties who have custody of the children involved in the custody order. If you have sole custody, put your name and address only. Otherwise, list all who are named in the custody order along with their contact information. 6. Certify the application and affidavit with your name, signature, and date at the end of the form. 7. You must sign the form in the presence of a notary, who will certify the form. Submit the certified form to the court, provide a copy to all named parties of the custody matter, and keep a copy for your own records. 8. Ensure that you have attached the other state's custody order.

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