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Form Warren County- Custody Complaint


Form Instructions

INSTRUCTIONS : PENNSYLVANIA CHILD CUSTODY COMPLAINT (WARREN COUNTY) The Pennsylvania Complaint for Child Custody is the form required for Pennsylvania residents seeking custody of their children through the court. This petition must be filed in order to obtain a court order for child custody in the state of Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Complaint for Child Custody can be obtained by searching online or through the state court. This example of a child custody form is taken from Warren County, Pennsylvania for custody or visitation. 1. First you must fill out the case caption information at the top of the form. Include the case number, names of the parties, and the custody type sought by your petition. 2. For parts 1 and 2, provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for both the plaintiff and defendants in the child custody case. 3. In part 3, you will be required to list the names of the children for whom you are seeking custody. Provide their name, current residence, and date of birth for each child. 4. Provide background information about the children. Indicate if they were born out of wedlock, with who and where they are currently residing. 5. For each child, you must next list where they have resided over the past 5 years and who they resided with. Provide the current address of these people if different than any named party. 6. Provide information about the parents of the child, indicating their current status and addresses. 7. In parts 4 and 5, indicate the relationship between the plaintiff and the children and who the plaintiff currently resides with. Provide the same information for the named defendant. 8. Part 6 is to be used to detail any previous cases that have involved the plaintiff, defendant, and children. If no previous or current cases have involved these parties, leave this section blank. Otherwise, you must detail these past cases, using additional sheets if necessary to explain. 9. For part 7, you may detail why you believe your custody plan should be ordered by the court. Make sure to back up your explanation with specific details of events and the current situation of both you and the defendant. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 10. If any other individuals may make a claim of custody, list their names after part 7. 11. Sign and certify the petition at the end. Ensure that you provide a copy to the defendant and all interested parties before submitting the complaint to the court.

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