The New York Petition for
Child Custody is the form required for New York residents seeking custody of their children through the court. This petition must be filed in order to obtain a
court order for child custody in the state of New York.
The New York Petition for Child
Custody can be obtained by searching online or through the state court.
This form is to be used for seeking any order of child custody or visitation.
1. First you must fill out the case caption information at the top of the form. Include the county, docket number, names of the parties, and the custody article involved with your case.
2. In the first part, state your name as petitioner and indicate where you reside, your relationship with the children, and your military status, if any.
3. Provide the same information for the respondent in part 2.
4. If a previous custody order has been made in New York, indicate the court and date of the order. You may remove part 3 if no previous order has been made for custody.
5. List the name, date of birth, and current address for each child in part 4.
6. For each child named, you must include their place of residence during the past 5 years. Include the address, time spent at that address, and who had custody of the children during that time.
7. For part 6, you must indicate the relationship of the father to the children. Check the applicable boxes and deleted any sections that do not apply to your case.
8. Further describe the relationship between the children and the mother in parts 6 and 7, deleting any parts that do not apply to your case.
9. In parts 9 through 11, answer each part concerning the history of custody with your children and any pending court orders for custody. Expand on important sections and limit your answers for parts that are not important to your case.
10. If additional
forms are to be attached to your child custody petition, indicate which forms are attached in part 12.
11. Parts 13 through 16 require that you write a description for why custody or visitation should be granted. Make sure that you fully answer the questions and provide enough information for a
judge to make a determination in the best interests of your children.
12. Sign and date the form in the presence of a notary. Provide a copy to any interested parties in your child's custody matter.