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Form SFN 13015 Reserve Name Application
sfn13015.pdf |
Use this form to reserve a name for a cooperative association, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, limited partnership, or limited liability limited partnership authorized to conduct business in North Dakota. Regard these instructions and the instructions in the form closely.
“Reserve Name Application SFN 13015 Step 1”
Check the appropriate box in section 2. It’s important to note that a foreign corporation or foreign limited liability company cannot farm or ranch in North Dakota.
“Reserve Name Application SFN 13015 Step 2”
In section 3, state the name of the name to be reserved. Make sure you provide the following designations depending on the type of company:
1. Cooperative Association: corporation, incorporated, or appropriate abbreviation.
2. For-Profit Corporation: company, corporation, incorporated, limited, or an appropriate abbreviation.
3. Nonprofit Corporation: corporation, incorporated, limited, or an appropriate abbreviation.
4. Professional Corporation: chartered, limited, professional corporation, professional association, or an appropriate abbreviation.
5. Limited Liability Company: limited liability company, L.L.C., or LLC.
6. Professional Limited Liability Company: professional limited liability company, limited liability company, P.L.C, P.L.L.C., PLLC, L.L.C, or LLC.
7. Limited Liability Partnership: limited liability partnership, L.L.P., or LLP.
8. Professional Limited Liability Partnership: professional limited liability partnership, P.L.L.P., PLLP, L.L.P., or LLP.
9. Limited Partnership: limited partnership, L.P., or LP.
10. Limited Liability Limited Partnership: limited liability limited partnership, L.L.L.P., or LLLP.
“Reserve Name Application SFN 13015 Step 3”
Enter the full name of the owner of the proposed company in section 4. List the telephone number of the owner in section 5, and the complete address for the owner in section 6.
“Reserve Name Application SFN 13015 Step 4”
The owner needs to sign and date section 7. If the filing party is not the owner, the need to provide their name, email address, telephone number, and address in section 8-11.
“Reserve Name Application SFN 13015 Step 5”
The filing fee for this form is $10.00. You can fax or mail this form along with the filing fee. If mailing the form, may the check payable to Secretary of State. If faxing the form, provide your credit card information and use the following fax number: 701-328-2992.
If you’re mailing the form and filing fee, use the following address:
Secretary of State
State of North Dakota
600 E Boulevard Ave Dept 108
Bismarck, ND 58505-0500