Form LLC-1 Articles of Organization for LLC
llc-1.pdf |
Use this to form to contact the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs and ask to establish a limited liability company in the state. Complete this entire form in blank ink and legible writing.
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 1”
List the exact name of the limited liability company in article I. The name needs to contain the word Limited Liability Company, L.L.C. or LLC. If you’re reserved a name for the LLC prior to filing this form, attach the certificate from the Department to this form.
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 2”
Provide the mailing address for the initial principal office of the limited liability company in article II. Include the city, state, and zip code.
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 3”
State the name of the registered agent in article III(a). An individual, domestic entity, or foreign entity allowed to conduct business in the state of Hawaii qualifies as registered agent. If the registered agent is an entity, provide the state or country.
In article III(b), list the street address of the individual or entity where service of process or similar forms can be sent to in the future.
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 4”
List the name and street address for each organizer in article IV. If additional lines are needed, attach a separate sheet to this form.
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 5”
Check the second box in article V if there is a specific date for the LLC’s expiration date. If the expiration date is at-will, check the first box.
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 6”
Check box (a) or (b) in article VI. If you check box (a), write the number of initial managers. Provide the names and addresses of the initial managers for the manager-managed or member-managed LLC in part (c).
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 7”
Check the appropriate box in article VII. If you check the third box down, describe the specific obligations and liabilities of the company as agreed to by the members.
“Articles of Organization for LLC LLC-1 Step 8”
At least one member has to sign the bottom of this form. Provide a filing fee of $50.00 and $10.00 for each requested certified copy. Make the check payable to Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.