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Form LC-1-1.0 Articles of Organization

Form LC-1-1.0 Articles of Organization.pdf

Form Instructions


This form is used to form a domestic limited liability company in the state of Connecticut. Review these instructions and the instructions within the form closely.

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 1”

In part 1, include the name of the LLC. The name must have one of the following designations: Limited Liability Company, LLC, L.L.C., Limited Liability Co., Ltd. Liability Company, or Ltd. Liability Co.

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 2”

Provide the nature of the business in part 2. The nature of business must qualify as legal under the Connecticut Limited Liability Company Act.

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 3”

Provide the principal office location of the LLC, including street number, street, city, state, and zip. If the mailing address is different, provide the address in part 4

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 4”

In part 5, provide a designated statutory agent for the service of process. Check the appropriate box. The LLC can appoint an individual if they have a personal or business street address in Connecticut.

The LLC can appoint a domestic corporation, LLC, LLP or statutory trust as a statutory agent as well. The LLC can also appoint a foreign corporation, LLC, LLP or statutory trust with a certificate of authority to do business in Connecticut. The foreign entity must have a Connecticut address as well. The individual or agent for the entity needs to provide their signature as well.

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 5”

Part 6 is mandatory. Provide at least one name of a manager or member of the LLC. If additional space is required, provide an attachment on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet.

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 6”

If the management of the LLC is held by the manager or group of managers, select the box in part 7.

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 7”

Each organizer must provide a signature in part 8. A date indicating when the signatures occurred is also required. Provide an additional sheet if necessary.

“Articles of Organization LC-1-1.0 Step 8”

The filing fee for this form is $120, and the check needs make payable to the Secretary of the State. You can find the mailing address and delivery address at the top of this form. If you have a question, you need to contact your attorney.

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Connecticut Law

Connecticut State Laws
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    > Connecticut Gun Laws
    > Connecticut Statutes
Connecticut Court
    > Griswold v. Connecticut
Connecticut Agencies
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