Arizona individuals who qualify for a credit for increased research activities should file a form 308-I. This document can be obtained from the website of the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 1: If not filing for the calendar year printed on the form, give the beginning and ending dates of your fiscal year.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 2: Enter your name as it appears on your form 140, 140PY, 140NR or 140X form.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 3: Enter your
Social Security number.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 4: Part I concerns your qualifications for a refund of your current taxable year's excess credit.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 5: Part II concerns your current taxable year's credit calculation. This section is only to be completed by sole proprietorships.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 6: If complete Part II and line 17 is $2,500,000 or less, complete line 18 and ignore lines 19 through 21. If it is greater than $2,500,000, ignore line 18 and complete lines 19 through 21.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 7: Part III concerns the current year's taxable credit passed through from S Corporations and partnerships.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 8: Part IV is only to completed if you checked "yes" on line 1. This portion of the form concerns the refundable portion of the current taxable year's excess credit.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 9: Part V provides a table for computations regarding the available pre-2003 credit carryover.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 10: Part VI provides a table for computations regarding the available post-2002 credit carryover.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 11: Part VII concerns limitation of credit carryovers and is not to be completed if you completed Part IV and will be receiving a refund.
Arizona Credit For Increased Research Activities - Individuals 308-I Step 12: Part VII contains computations of your final total available nonrefundable credit.