Form 20S S Corporation Information/Tax Return
12f20s.pdf |
S Corporations operating in Alabama use a form 20S in order to determine and file the income tax owed to the state. This document can be found on the website of the Alabama Department of Revenue.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 1: Indicate with a check mark whether you are filing an initial, final or amended return.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 2: Enter all identifying information requested about your business in the box provided.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 3: On line 1 of Schedule A, enter your income gain or loss as reported on your federal return.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 4: Lines 2 through 11 provide instructions for how to determine your net Alabama non-separately stated income or loss.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 5: Lines 12 through 20 concerns items which must be separately listed. To complete this portion of Schedule A, you will first need to complete Schedules E and K below.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 6: Lines 21 through 26 concern calculations necessary to determine the total tax due. You will first need to complete Schedule G to calculate tax credits which may apply.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 7: In schedule B, detail both non-separately and separately stated items removed from apportionable income and those which are directly allocable to the state.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 8: Schedule C should only be completed by S corporations which operate in more than one state. If so, you must document tangible personal property, salaries, wages and other forms of compensation both in Alabama and from your business as a whole.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 9: Schedule D concerns apportionment of your federal income tax.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 10: Schedule F concerns Alabama Accumulated Adjustments Accounts.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 11: Schedule H requires miscellaneous information about your S corporation.
Alabama S Corporation Information/Tax Return 2011 20S Step 12: An officer should sign and date the form, as well as giving their daytime phone number and Social Security number.