Form 40X Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return or Application for Refund
40X_AmendedIndividualIncomeTax.pdf |
People who have filed an Alabama income tax return prior to tax year 2008 which must be amended do so using a form 40X. This document is found on the website of the Alabama Department of Revenue.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 1: Give the calendar year or fiscal year for which you are filing.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 2: Give your Social Security number, as well as that of your spouse if you have filed jointly.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 3: Give your name, as well as that of your spouse if filing jointly.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 4: Give your present home address.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 5: If the name and address on the original return was different, give it in section a.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 6: In section b, give the date on which the original return was filed.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 7: In section c, check the box next to the form which was originally filed.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 8: In section d, indicate with a check mark whether your federal return was audited for the year being changed. If yes, attach a copy of the federal report. If no, indicate with a check mark if you have received notice that you will be federally audited.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 9: Check the box in section e if your reported change relates to a net operating loss carryback or carryforward.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 10: Complete lines 1 through 22 as directed.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 11: On the second page, provide a complete explanation for all changes. Include line number references.
Amended Alabama Individual Income Tax Return Or Application For Refund 40X Step 12: Sign and date the bottom of the first page.